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Interview Advice

Interviews are an important aspect in landing up to a dream job. However the hard fact is that higher job demands is not matching job supplies and this makes the job market is extremely competitive. Many of the interviewees may be highly qualified but it is usually the best interviewee rather than the best candidate who gets the job. Preparing well for an interview is the key to success.

The Right Way to Go About:

How To Handle Pre-interview Jitters:

Anxiety and nervousness are normal emotional responses to new challenging situations, however, anxiety becomes a problem only when it's excessive and hence interferes with performance in this case facing the interview.

Be Honest, Be Yourself:

The old adage 'honesty is the best policy' holds true for interviews. The interviewer is interested in qualities such as a candidate's work style, and how he or she relates to people, his or her motivation and ability to deal with emotions. The best way to answer personality questions is to be yourself because it is in our interest to be able to behave normally and still fit into the work environment. If you don't know the answer to a question, don't be evasive or on the defensive. Be honest with your interviewer. If you don't know the answer, admit gracefully instead of parrying the question.

At the end of an interview you may be asked if you have any questions. This is a chance to prove your intelligence and enthusiasm to work with the company. You may ask what career opportunities exist within the company, how work assignments are handled or how often an employee's performance is evaluated and the criteria used.

Your Personality Does Matter:

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