Our Methodology Candidate CV Assessment Candidate Interview Executive Hiring

If you are looking to recruit, we give you access to the widest pool of qualified candidates in the market, faster and more cost-effectively, than any other recruiter. We're pioneers of online recruitment, helping over 4000 businesses every year to source talent whilst driving their costs down. Whether you are a large corporate seeking powerful candidate resourcing solutions, or a small business looking for cost-effective, enhanced support and management - our bespoke online recruitment solutions are designed for you. Our experienced team of Recruitment and HR Consultants will fully explore and understand your business needs in a manner that is appropriate to you and your company, providing tailor made bespoke solutions.

We provide recruitment support for temporary and permanent positions across the following sectors and divisions:

Our Services includes:

Our Approach Includes:

We would welcome the opportunity of discussing how we might be able to assist you soon! Please feel free to contact us either by telephone or our on-line feedback form as we are always open to new ideas!

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Our Accreditation

AHRI 2013



Proven Results

They're fantastic

"After months of fruitless job hunting, I didn't have my hopes high with iSEEQ. Yet, these guys helped me find exactly what I was looking for and sign a contract within a few weeks. The key to success I think was the fact that they helped me re-evaluate my CV and fix the things that I could have outlined better. I'm happy in my new job now and my only regret is that I haven't found iSEEQ sooner."

Jennifer K.

Highly Recommended!

"iSEEQ are great at what they do -they helped me find a job very fast. I went through a lot of disappointments trying to find a perfect position, but didn't seem to come across the right one in the right location. Turned out, they had a few jobs that fir my requirements right in their files! After a few interviews, I got my offer. Thank you iSEEQ!"

Jason S.