Our Methodology Candidate CV Assessment Candidate Interview Executive Hiring

Candidate CV Assessment

Are you overwhelmed by the volume of applicants you are receiving for each of your open jobs? Is it taking up too much of your valuable time trying to identify the most suitable applicants? Are other companies getting to the best applicants before you have managed to review their CV's?

Enhance your candidate selection process by incorporating a candidate personality assessment. Our candidate assessments will help you identify the best fit, develop and retain top talent.The fit between prospective employee and job requirements, management, existing team and organization as a whole, to a large extent defines the success and productivity of the new hire and the organization overall.

How Does It Work:

We provide you with a web link through which all applicants apply for your job. You include this web link in your job advertisements on job boards and/or traditional print and on your web site. This will bring the applicant to a web page which gives them details of your job and the application process.

Applicants will:

We combine the scores from the Screening Questions, Job Fit assessment and Skills Fit test to give an overall application screening score. The applicant's details, overall score and their results for each individual assessment are available for you to review online or can be outputted for upload to your Applicant Tracking System or we can email them to you. We will happily answer any queries you have on each application.

Upload Your Job Vacancy

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Last name:
Job Vacancy Details:
Company Name:
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exactly as shown
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  *all fields are required
Our Accreditation

AHRI 2013



Proven Results

They're fantastic

"After months of fruitless job hunting, I didn't have my hopes high with iSEEQ. Yet, these guys helped me find exactly what I was looking for and sign a contract within a few weeks. The key to success I think was the fact that they helped me re-evaluate my CV and fix the things that I could have outlined better. I'm happy in my new job now and my only regret is that I haven't found iSEEQ sooner."

Jennifer K.

Highly Recommended!

"iSEEQ are great at what they do -they helped me find a job very fast. I went through a lot of disappointments trying to find a perfect position, but didn't seem to come across the right one in the right location. Turned out, they had a few jobs that fir my requirements right in their files! After a few interviews, I got my offer. Thank you iSEEQ!"

Jason S.