Our Methodology Candidate CV Assessment Candidate Interview Executive Hiring

Executive Hiring

Companies often face the challenge of relevant talent acquisition in key positions, even though there is an abundance of manpower in the market. The absence of specialized HR recruitment consultants proves to be a major deal breaker for companies in new age industries who are usually start ups and emerging business entities.

We provide Executive Hiring services across different industries and segments, aligning only the most suitable candidates with the relevant knowledge, experience and expertise. The candidates holding the top-tier executive positions must have a comprehensible understanding of your organizations' goals, so that they can deliver astutely to meet those goals and boost your brand value. This is where we help you by providing executive candidates whose focus is always on bringing your business at the top of your respective domain and improving the financial prospects and market reputation of your firm.

Our Executive Selection Includes:

Why Use Our Executive Search Recruitment Solutions?

We would welcome the opportunity of discussing how we might be able to assist you soon! Please feel free to contact us either by telephone or our on-line feedback form as we are always open to new ideas!

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Our Accreditation

AHRI 2013



Proven Results

They're fantastic

"After months of fruitless job hunting, I didn't have my hopes high with iSEEQ. Yet, these guys helped me find exactly what I was looking for and sign a contract within a few weeks. The key to success I think was the fact that they helped me re-evaluate my CV and fix the things that I could have outlined better. I'm happy in my new job now and my only regret is that I haven't found iSEEQ sooner."

Jennifer K.

Highly Recommended!

"iSEEQ are great at what they do -they helped me find a job very fast. I went through a lot of disappointments trying to find a perfect position, but didn't seem to come across the right one in the right location. Turned out, they had a few jobs that fir my requirements right in their files! After a few interviews, I got my offer. Thank you iSEEQ!"

Jason S.